Running XBeaver with Docker
XBeaver can be downloaded and compiled with make on linux. However, with my linux of choice being Arch Linux and my laptop being a Macbook Pro I found myself struggling to compile it. Arch was just too new, and my Mac wasn’t Linux.
I tried using a distribution such as CentOS within Virtualbox on my Mac which worked but was slow and regularly stopped working. In the end I came up with a much better solution by running XBeaver in a Docker Container on my Mac. Docker works with Windows and Linux so the following should also work for those platforms with perhaps only minor changes.
The docker image contains a CentOS distribution with the Icewm window manager, a VNC server and XBeaver. It is heavily based on the consol/centos-icewm-vnc container and my thanks go to the developers of this.
Docker can be downloaded from and once installed the following command issued from the host will download and run the xbeaver container.
$ docker pull johnnewcombe/xbeaver
The following command will run the docker image in a container and bind the container’s ports 5901 and 6901 to the host’s ports 5901 and 6901 respectively. This will allow the image to be accessed via VNC or in a Web Browser over HTML.
$ docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 johnnewcombe/xbeaver
Connect using a VNC client using the address localhost :5901 or via a Web Browser on http://localhost:6901. The password is vncpassword.
Once access is gained a terminal session sould be visible, if not, ‘right clickingr the desktop will allow one to be launched.
The xbeaver compiled binary and source code is located in /headless/xbeaver within the container and can be run from there, although I find it convenient to copy the compiled binary xbeaver, *.cfg and *.dsk files to the /root/xbeaver directory (within the container) and bind this directory to a directory on my machine. This allows config files and disks etc. to be managed directly with the host machine. To run the image with the container’s /root/xbeaver directory mapped to a directory on the host machine, use a command similar to the following. In the example below the container’s directory /root/xbeaver is mapped to the .xbeaver directory on the users home drive.
$ docker run -d -p 5901:5901 -p 6901:6901 -v ~/.xbeaver:/root/xbeaver --name xbeaver johnnewcombe/xbeaver
More details of the image can be found on Docker Hub see